Project Format with Directions
<Project Name>
Replace <Project Name> with the name of the project and include a high-level overview of the project. This may include, but is not limited to, a link to the project's home page, the purpose of the project, who is likely to use the project, how it is used, etc.
Include a link to the project's page on It is important to note that this is a tool and that it may not always yield accurate information. In some cases this is because the version of the project may have changed or information about the project was not easy to obtain. Thus, this is only one way to determine the viability of a project.
<Project Name> in the Classroom
Replace <Project Name> with the name of the project and include examples of how the project has been used in the classroom. The intent is to provide an overview of different ways in which the project has actually been used by former POSSE alums in their classroom. It would be good to provide a variety of uses, for example, how the project was used in a lower-level class, such as CS1, how it was used in mid-level class, maybe an introductory software engineering class, and how it was used in an upper-level class, a capstone course for example. Links to actual activities and additional details about how the project has been used in the classroom will be provided further down on this page.
<Project Name> Community - Join Us!
Replace <Project Name> with the name of the project. Include some inspiring commentary about why it is good to be a member of a community and in this case why it is helpful to belong to a community of faculty who share commons goals and aspirations, providing a support system and guidance to those who are new. There should be a list of faculty who have used the specified project in the classroom and/or expressed an interest in using the project in the classroom. There should be a main contact person, a way to contact the entire group, as well as email addresses for all members. A suggested format follows:
- Main contact for the group:
- <Name> - <Email Address>
- Contact the entire group:
- <Group Email Address>
- Community members:
- <Name> - <Email Address>
- <Name> - <Email Address>
- <Name> - <Email Address>
- Etc.
Note: In most cases faculty join this community just prior to their attendance at a POSSE workshop, but feel free to send an email to the main contact if you are interested in joining us!
Meeting Minutes
Include a link to a page that contains links to meeting minutes. It should be noted that there may be gaps in time. In some cases the group has not held a formal meeting or they may have held meetings using other tools such as Skype or Google Hangout.
Getting Started
As a Faculty Member
Include more detailed information about how the project has been used in a particular course(s). It would be helpful to provide an overview of a term, along with links to activities that were used at various points in the semester. There should be a link to the activities page that lists all the activities, pointing out that the activities are tagged by topic, course, etc.
As a Contributor
Include links that provide initial direction to someone who is interested in contributing. It would be helpful to point out that, depending on the goal, setup requirements will vary (e.g. client only, core developer, use of VM, etc.) and to provide different links if this is appropriate.
When creating a project page, remove it from the Formats category.