Working With Cloned Module

From TeachingOpenSource


Work with a Cloned Module (Build and Execute gnome-photos module)


Building is the process of converting the source code into an executable by compiling and linking. In this document, we will build and execute an open source module cloned using git.


Build a GnomeMusic Clone (Activity)

After successfully completing this activity, the learner should be able to:
  • Build a previously cloned module.
  • Execute the cloned module.
Process Skills


For this lab, we will be using previously cloned module gnome-photos to demonstrate building and executing.


1. Before Starting:

Before running any of the command below, make sure that you are a sudo user. If not type the command $ su and then enter the root password when prompted. Also, make sure you are in the cloned directory using cd command.

2. Start the Build: Type the following command in the terminal to start building:

 dnf builddep gnome-photos

Note: To build a module, make sure that you have all the build dependencies available. Some modules depend on external libraries.

Accept the dependency downloads whenever prompted. Wait till the process completes.

3. Finish the Build:

Once the process completes, create a new directory under /opt directory as /opt/gnome-photos

mkdir /opt/gnome-photos

Now execute the file under the cloned directory to build the module to newly created directory.

./ – -prefix =/opt/gnome-photos

4. Install the Module:

Once completed, just install the program using make command as shown below:

 make install

5. Documentation:'

Create a file in your favorite editor. Add all your screenshots and then answer the following questions in the next section in your file. Also, review the following rubric for generating and submitting your work. Once you are satisfied that your lab is complete, create a pdf file and name it FossGnomePhotoCloned_yourlastnamefirstinitial.pdf. Upload to your course management system.


Create a word document and include screenshots of different stages of installations in it. In addition, answer the questions.

Lab Rubric (100 points)

Screenshots (50 points) Start the Build (10 points); Accept (10 points); Finish the Build (10 points); Create Directory and autogen (10 points); Install Module (10 points)

Lab Questions (50 points)

•	Compare dnf and yum with each other. Discuss on the similarities as well as differences. (10 points)
•	What is dnf builddep Plugin? (10 points) ) 
•	What does the do? (10 points) 
•	Name two disadvantages of using a virtual machine. (10 points)
•	Grammar, Spelling and Neatness (5 points) – named file correctly and uploaded properly on time. (5 points)

Additional Information:

Area & Unit(s)

SE - Software Engineering


Cloning, Build/Execute



Estimated Time
to Complete

60 minutes

Environment /

Fedora, gnome-photos


Mohsen Dorodchi


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

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