Stage 2 Activities/Stage 3 Planning - Table1

From TeachingOpenSource

Group Participants

D. Michael Franklin, Kennesaw State University,

Hossain Shahriar, Kennesaw State University,

Planning an Initial HFOSS Learning Activity

Please discuss and record your group's approach for an initial learning activity. When you have a good draft description of the learning activity using the sections below, you could create a learning activity page for it by copying the Learning Activity Format with Directions.

Course targeted for the activity

Advanced Courses

D. Michael Franklin - Database Systems

Hossain Shahriar - Electronic Health Record System

Brief description of the activity

Mike - I would like to take the existing database course and add two projects: 1. a large dataset project; 2. an open source repository interaction

Hossain - In this course, I am planning to introduce an assignment on certification compliance of Open Source EHR software, where an Open Source EHR to be assessed for ONC certification criteria, and suggest changes/request features to the community. The assignment to be included with learning modules on github, copyright, certification criteria.

Time you expect the HFOSS activity to take

e.g. # classes, # homework assignments, # lab activities, etc.

Whether the activity will be completed in class or out of class

Mike: the projects will both be completed outside of class, but with some work time inside of class. The projects will take at least 4 weeks each.

Hossain: sample activities may include lectures on HFOSS, learning Git, exploring OpenMRS project, setup (if not too time consuming), testing software for certification, make recommendation, and communicating with the community. Expecting 2-3 weeks of time.

Relationship of this activity to course goals/objectives

Mike: this will meet two the course objective that deal with interacting with data sets and understanding the place of databases in the larger world.

Hossain : to be able to contribute to Open Source project related to HIT.

What students will submit upon completion of the activity

Mike: they will submit: 1. finished analysis and a report on working with the dataset, a reflection on how the process work; 2. Log of activities, interactions, etc., to show sufficient participation within community

Hossain: a set of results complying with certification or not, and experience with interacting with HFOSS community.

Approach for assessing the student work

Mike: the projects will be graded on merit based on the student's efforts with deference given to accomplishments.

Hossain: completing 3-4 test criteria, posting an implementation or solution and interacting in the Github.

Questions or concerns you have about implementing your activity

Hossain: list of prereq knowledge, such as intro to github, copyright, HFOSS.

Support you will need to implement your activity

Planning Stage 3 Activities


<Identify meeting times. Find out HFOSS project meeting times.>

Hossain: meeting once per week for 3-4 weeks. Meet on IRC (e.g., using fossserv channel)

Specific Tasks

<What will various group members do.>


<List any resources that you find>

Hossain: ONC Test Suite,, OpenMRS (

Other Notes

Prior related POSSE groups, if any:

When creating an activity, remove it from the Formats category.