SIGCSE 2020 POSSE Roundup

From TeachingOpenSource

March 11, 2020 - Portland, OR

Meeting Location

Meeting room: B110, Portland Convention Center.

The POSSE Roundup is a pre-symposium event for the SIGCSE Symposium. See SIGCSE 2020 for general information about the location.


The workshop will explore HFOSS Kits as an approach to providing more scaffolding and control for faculty taking initial steps to introduce students to HFOSS participation. HFOSS kits will:

  • Provide a controlled, isolated practice environment where students can learn and practice open source skills. A kit contains:
    • A project sandbox - copy of an HFOSS project or selected artifacts from a live HFOSS project
    • Learning activities for the project sandbox
    • Directions and notes for an instructor on how to use the Kit
  • Reduce instructor overhead in teaching basic open source skills. Kits will provide a predictable, controlled environment that can be re-set and re-used across multiple academic terms. Kits will also provide an opportunity for students to practice open source tasks repeatedly using real-world artifacts without needing to be concerned about burdening a project community.
  • Provide experience with complexity and scale since the artifacts are from real projects. They will not have the benefit of observation and interaction with a project community.

Kits are intended as a stepping stone to participation in a live HFOSS projects.


Time Activity Facilitators
Wednesday March 11, 2020
8:30 AM


  • Introductions
  • Plan for the day
Heidi, Darci
8:45 AM Overview - HFOSS and Kits Heidi, Stoney
9:00 AM Breakout: HFOSS Kits

-Intro to HFOSS Activity

-Advanced HFOSS Activity

-Heidi, Lori, Stoney, Greg

-Karl, Grant, Darci, Chris

10:00 AM Break All
10:30 AM Breakout: HFOSS Kits (continued) All
11:30 AM Report from breakout groups All
12:00 PM Lunch (on your own)
1:30 PM Computing for Social Good meeting
4:45 PM Closing remarks
5:00 PM End

Information for Attendees

To Register

This POSSE Roundup is open to faculty who are interested in computing for the greater good. Prior open source experience is a plus but not required for the morning part of this meeting. To register, please complete the form here.

NOTE: seating is limited, so please do not assume you are attending before receiving a confirmation from us.

Meeting Minutes