SIGCSE 2017 POSSE Roundup

From TeachingOpenSource

March 8, 2017 - Seattle WA


POSSE, the Professors Open Source Software Experience, helps instructors prepare to guide student participation in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) projects. This POSSE Roundup is a workshop for instructors who have previously attended POSSE. It will provide an opportunity to share experiences and discuss challenges with student participation in HFOSS. There will also be presentations and discussions of recent developments in HFOSS learning efforts. The workshop structure of the day will emphasize active participation of attendees.



Meeting Location

Washington Convention Center rooms 613 and 614


Time Activity Facilitators
Wednesday March 8th, 2017
8:30 AM

Welcome and Overview:

  • Introductions
  • Plan for the day
  • Pathways Overview
Lori and Greg
9:15 AM

Breakout: Quick assessment of existing learning activities

10:00 AM Break All
10:30 AM

Breakout: Matching learning activities to pathway steps

11:30 Lunch - All
1:00 PM

Experience Reports and Perspectives

  • Grant Braught and John MacCormick
  • Chris Murphy (slides)
  • Karl Wurst
2:00 PM

Report on morning progress Breakout: Learning activity review or design

  • Evaluate existing activities for pathway use
  • Identify additional activities where needed
3:00 PM Break
3:30 PM

Breakout group status

3:45 PM

Breakout: Learning Materials Sprint

  • Work on learning activities identified in the morning
4:45 PM Wrap-up
  • POGIL Summer workshops
Greg and Lori
6:00 PM Dinner All


We are going to spend time working with the contribution pathways. Initial versions of some pathways are here

In preparation for the Roundup, please pick one pathway that you would be interested in working with at the Roundup. Indicate your choice by adding your name below:

  • Add a Feature
    • Amy Csizmar Dalal
    • Chris Murphy
    • Karl Wurst
  • Create a Tracker Issue
    • Gina (or will work on
    • Darci Burdge
  • Create Unit Tests
    • John MacCormick
    • Josh Dehlinger
  • Fix a Bug
    • Becka Morgan
    • Nanette Veilleux
    • Lynn Lambert
  • Test User Installation Instructions
    • Greg Hislop
    • Joanna Klukowska
    • Stewart Weiss
  • Update a Tracker Issue
    • Emily Lovell
    • Heidi Ellis
  • Verify a Bug
    • Lori Postner
    • Grant Braught

Triage of Existing Activities

During the 9:15am session participants will work in pairs to triage approximately 10 existing foss2serve learning activities. A complete list of learning activities can be found at: For each activity, spend 3-5 to minutes reviewing it and adding a Category tag of "Minimal Sketch", "Good Draft", "Ready to Use". Please put any comments you have about the activity in the Discussion page for that activity.

  • Group 1: Backwardly Compatible Code (Activity) - Choosing A License -- Chris & Lori
  • Group 2: Code Base Understanding - Examine Branch Test Coverage (Activity) -- Josh & Helen
  • Group 3: Fedora 22 in VirtualBox Set up - FOSS Politics Writing Activity -- Ben and Karl
  • Group 4: Git: Cloning - Instantly Run An App in the Cloud 2
  • Group 5: Interactive Visualization with Git - Intro to Style Guides (Activity) -- Stewart and Joanna
  • Group 6: Introduction to building open source software - Open Vs Proprietary Mock Debate (skip the learning activity rubric links) - Darci & John
  • Group 7: OpenMRS Design Reverse Engineering Activity (Android App) - OpenMRS.Setup - Greg
  • Group 8: Origins of Free Libre Software - Review Coding Conventions - Becka and Heidi
  • Group 9: Software Design Architecture Comparison - UML a project Lynn and Amy
  • Group 10: Understanding Creative Commons - Write a Bug Report (Activity) - Emily & Gina

Information for Attendees

To Register

Attendees of past POSSEs who are able to attend should register by emailing Lori Postner at or Greg Hislop at


We expect that most attendees will be staying for SIGCSE. For those needing to arrive on Tuesday to attend the POSSE roundup on Wednesday, we can provide support for the extra hotel night for a limited number of attendees. Please let us know ASAP if you are interested in this support.